
Free PDF Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura

Free PDF Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura

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Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura

Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura

Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura

Free PDF Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura

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Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura

Covering the basic principles and the creative techniques behind making effective design drawings―the central pillar of fashion design―this guide is perfect for students as well as for professionals working in all branches of the garment and fashion industries. From hand drawing to using software applications, it explains how to create drawings that clearly and precisely illustrate the shape, material, pattern, color, and other elements of garments. Patterners, retailers, and fashion design students will rejoice in these comprehensive instructions for making design drawings understandable and expressive.

  • Sales Rank: #1819253 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-01-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.90" h x .40" w x 8.60" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 160 pages

About the Author
Zeshu Takamura is Professor of Advanced Fashion Design and Head of theFashion Illustration Laboratory, Faculty of Fashion Science, at BunkaGakuen University's Graduate School in Tokyo. He is active in fashion illustration,design, and research at publishers, agencies, and apparel manufacturers. www.zeshu.com

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Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura PDF

Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura PDF

Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura PDF
Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion IllustrationBy Zeshu Takamura PDF
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